Saturday, January 21, 2012

Download Artisteer 3 Full Version + Keygen

Links for free download Artisteer 3 full version + keygen.
Artisteer 3.0 makes it easier to use website templates.
 Screenshot Artisteer 3 Full Version:


Excess Artisteer 3.0:
  1. Fixed crashes reported for most Artisteer 3.0 Beta 2.
  2. Fixed duplicating of "&" after using the "HTML ..." dialog.
  3. Resolved synchronization issues.
  4. Fixed issues with non-working option 'Hide / Show article title'.
  5. Fixed a crash when entering badly formatted HTML into Footer.
  6. Fixed an issue with rounded corners (radius) not working properly.
  7. Resolved saving project and product activation issues.
  8. Resolved a crash when inserting large custom images (e.g. 3000x2000).
  9. Headline and slogan font styles are no longer inherit styles from the H1 and H2 font styles.
  10. IE6: resolved an issue with collapsing sidebarsFlash.
  11.  Flash: fixed occasional crashes when inserting custom image/flash video.
  12. Flash: Fixed an issue with repeating custom Flash videos.
  13. Added a new option: File -> Options -> "Highlight sections on mouse hover". 
  14. Drupal 7: added support for installing Themes from Admin area using the "Install NewModule".
  15. CodeCharge: fixed an issue with not pulling down menus.
Before mengisntal Artisteer, make sure that the computer buddy is already installed Microsoft Framework.

How to Install Artisteer 3 full version:
Make sure not connected to the Internet.

  1. Install and run Artisteer 3.0 
  2. Select "Activate".
  3. Open the "KEYGEN". 
  4. Please Copy Paste "Installation Code" from Artisteer into Keygen (It will create a "License Code" in keygen that serves as an activation code). 
  5. Next Copy Paste "License Code" from the Keygen to Artisteer.
  6. Uncheck the "Auto-Activation Through the Internet". 
  7. Copy Paste "Activation Key" from the Keygen to Artisteer 3.0.
  8. Click "Activate". 
 Ok immediately wrote click on the image below to Download Artisteer 3 full version + keygen.

1 comment:

  1. ok good......tapi bila ada yang mau tolong kunjungi


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